News: from Lorna


I left at the end of March for retreat. It never fails that just before I go I wonder why on earth I'm doing this to myself - to go into silence for such an extended period of time and to have nothing to do but sitting and walking meditation, breakfast and lunch and maybe a walk. That's it.

Then, after a few days of being there I want to stay forever. I've always been aware of the fact that it was a great blessing to be able to do these intense retreats although this one was just sixteen days. One really needs three essential elements: the desire, the time and the resources. The resources are not always an issue because I can be funded and I have the desire but now, not always the time.

All retreats are wonderful and have a different element to them, but this one seemed very spacious to me and I had an amazing insight - an awakening - I laughed with one of the teachers when it was time for my fifteen minute interview and explained the insight - I said, "well that only took thirty years" moving right along..... I've often said that it's the hardest thing I've ever done and really all I want to do. I cannot believe that in this lifetime I've been given an awakening into the dharma, that I want to practice, and that I'm able to do so.

I came back from retreat and flew straight to Cancun, Mexico to a sober Club Med. Five hundred of us, wonderful fellowship, many new and old friends and amazing speakers. I went one day on an excursion to visit the ruins of Chichen Itza which has been listed as one of the new Seven Wonders of the World. Of course it was fascinating especially since I'd just watched Ancient Aliens about the building of mathematically precise and monumental buildings (especially pyramids) thousands of years old, around the globe.

The weather was fantastic and the sea a ridiculous blue. Then I returned to NY and to the cold - it's been so cold here but yesterday and today marked a turn around and it seems that Spring is finally here with much warmer weather and all the trees have their bridal finery and the Park is choc-a-bloc full of daffodils. Soooooo beautiful.

I intend to stay in New York for a while but am hoping to get back to England for a visit - but no definite plans. I'm reading Basic Black by Cathie Black and have just finished reading The People Smugglers by Robin de Crespigny about the Iraqis fleeing Iraq and trying to get into Australia - so heart wrenching.


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