News: from Lorna

Sep 11, 2012, Remember September 11th

It's a day today just like it was eleven years ago. Beautiful blue sky, warm and a Tuesday.

How that event changed America. It changed so much in our society: the draconian, often overblown security measures is the worst and of course, the rising of the radical Right.

I was extremely moved by the speakers at the Democratic National Convention, especially Bill Clinton, he really got me fired up. Then the next day I was speaking to an older gentleman friend who is a lawyer and a dyed-in-the-wool Catholic Democratic and he was saying that he felt Romney would definitely win - that with the millions pouring into his campaign he would just be able to buy the election.

I got on the phone immediately and made a donation then went to a political gathering that evening to watch Obama's speech. Spent this past weekend in Philadelphia (a battle-ground state) making sure people had proper government-issued ID and spent a good portion of yesterday at the campaign headquarters here in NY, on the telephone. And I intend to do all I can in the fifty-five days remaining until the election.

I'm very, very involved. My thinking is that if I wake up on November 7th and Romney is in the White House I will feel sick, but I'm going to feel absolutely dreadful if I personally hadn't done all I could to avert such a happening.


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